Monday, February 27, 2012

What a life!

Sunday, a day of rest.... Brian preached about this and he talked of how we can have rest in God. He is the one who carries our fears and worries.... when we allow Him to! I did get to have a relaxing afternoon and it was a special treat because by 5 pm we had guests coming in for the night. We fed about 29 people. I made a big pot of chili with corn bread. One of the guests politely allowed me to flounder through my 'spanish' welcome and details of what the food was and where he was to sleep, then later I heard him talking in perfect English!!!
It is wonderful to have our girls back with us again. The week was very busy and there are undone jobs waiting for this coming week! Jared was a flexible student, bless his heart, and some days we did school in the big kitchen while I cooked, some days it was in his class room while I finished painting the doors and trim in the room close by. Some days it was in segments... do math..go to language...wait for mom to get the laundry hung up.........This week is off to a more organized start! Actually, I woke up at 3:30 am to make breakfast for 13 of our guests who had to leave early to catch a plane. A good travelling breakfast of atol, granola, bananas and cinnamon rolls. After my early morning, I had most of the laundry ready to hang on the line by 7am. I could have fit in with those Amish ladies who have their wash flapping on the line before breakfast. :) 
One thing that happens every day down here is the ringing of the bell and a request for 'comida, por favor'. How does a person know who is really hungry and who is getting a free lunch on their way home from work at the factory? There are a few 'regulars' who come every day. I wish I could share the salvation story along with the food!
The March calender is up on the wall and our names are on it! 'Vernon's saldran :(' Talk about mixed feelings! We have a lot of things to do yet, work wise and fun wise, not sure how to fit it all in. Vernon and some of the children went to the dentist today and looks like we have some dental work to do before we go home. Jeana needs her wisdom teeth taken out. She is not impressed since she HATES going to the dentist. Tomorrow is a big day. It is Jeana's birthday and also Elbas birthday. We are having a special lunch and surprising them both with a plan to go to the park and grill and eat and have a great time! I am hoping to get some more rooms painted this week. Maybe I should just tell someone to hit me over the head now before I start! I always question the 'why' of more painting, but it is so rewarding when the ugly old paint is all covered up! Tonight I told Jared to sweep for me and I could see this lethargic wilt come over him and the broom handle became so heavy! He got more energy when I gave him a time limit. I need to go spend some time with him.
Feliz Noche!